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RE: orion-list Scriptorium & Eisenman

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-----Original Message-----
From: George Brooks
To: orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
Sent: 12/6/99 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: orion-list Scriptorium & Eisenman

Dr. Robert Kraft:

Back in October you wrote:

> Sorry, Jim, you have missed my point. I'm quite familiar with 
> Eisenman's  views, but I don't think he has written on the BIBLICAL
TEXT in the  DSS, > which is what the Scriptorium conference is all
about. If he has  made > contributions to TEXTUAL study (i.e. Biblical
Text), I'd like to  know  about them. He has tended to be concerned
more with historical > reconstruction and the interpretation of the
various (mostly  non-biblical) fragments, not with TEXTUAL work
as such. Or am I missing something?
> Bob

Dr. Kraft, have you read Robert Eisenman's THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS AND
THE FIRST CHRISTIANS ?  This book seems to be PACKED FULL of New
Testament analysis.  But perhaps I am not completely familiar with what
you mean with TEXTUAL WORK or ANALYSIS.  I'd be interested in your
views on this particular book.  As I've said before, I do not not concur
with Eisenman's views on the TIMING of the WICKED PRIEST, but it
is absolutely fascinating how much Eisenman can "pick out" of 
New Testament text that I believe IS related the the Dead Sea
Scroll texts that the casual reader wouldn't notice.

You've missed Bob Kraft's point again.  The Biblical text in this case means
the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh), not the New Testament, and the conference
deals with "text criticism," the study of the transmission of the text of
the Hebrew Bible on the basis of the manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible found
at Qumran and their relationship to other types of evidence for the
transmision of the text of the Hebrew Bible like the MT and the OG/LXX.
Eisenman is engaged in historical reconstruction, not text criticism, based
on an entirely different body of material.

David Suter
Saint Martin's College
For private reply, e-mail to "Suter, David" <dsuter@stmartin.edu>
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