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SV: orion-list Qumran skeletons/gender

Joe Zias: according to your 1985 article you examined the 
bones in Haas's Giv'at ha-Mivtar allotment in 1970 before the 
reburial.  Did you find anything wrong with the sex identifications
and heights of the three "tall" female skeletons reported by 
Haas?  For example for skeleton IV/3.C (Haas, p. 47): "female 
(55-60 years old) . . . facial skeleton well preserved; strongly-built 
lower face . . . the presence of the temporal bones connected 
with the facial skeleton attests a female . . . stature: 167 cm . . ."  

> Shalom, as for the work of Professor Haas, one of his colleagues at
> Hadassa Medical School in the Dept. of Anatomy (Sekeles) and I was asked
> to review his article on the cave, something which I normally would not
> do, however due to the importance of the find, we reappraised one find
> from the sample, that of the crucified man which was from the cave. It
> took us 12  typewritten pages just to deal with the mistakes in one
> skeleton. Left was right, right was left, one missing tooth was clearly
> visible in the radiograph, the cleft palate was not there, the 18 cm.
> nail was but 11.5 cms long and so on and so on. So as not to inflict
> further embarrassment on a colleague we decided not to deal with the
> rest of the sample. Our reappraisal is in IEJ 1985 pp.22-27.  
Greg Doudna

For private reply, e-mail to Greg Doudna <gd@teol.ku.dk>
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