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Re: orion-list Scriptorium & Eisenman

Dr. Robert Kraft:

Back in October you wrote:

> Sorry, Jim, you have missed my point. I'm quite familiar with 
> Eisenman's  views, but I don't think he has written on the BIBLICAL
TEXT in the  DSS, > which is what the Scriptorium conference is all
about. If he has  made > contributions to TEXTUAL study (i.e. Biblical
Text), I'd like to  know  about them. He has tended to be concerned
more with historical > reconstruction and the interpretation of the
various (mostly  non-biblical) fragments, not with TEXTUAL work
as such. Or am I missing something?
> Bob

Dr. Kraft, have you read Robert Eisenman's THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS AND
THE FIRST CHRISTIANS ?  This book seems to be PACKED FULL of New
Testament analysis.  But perhaps I am not completely familiar with what
you mean with TEXTUAL WORK or ANALYSIS.  I'd be interested in your
views on this particular book.  As I've said before, I do not not concur
with Eisenman's views on the TIMING of the WICKED PRIEST, but it
is absolutely fascinating how much Eisenman can "pick out" of 
New Testament text that I believe IS related the the Dead Sea
Scroll texts that the casual reader wouldn't notice.

George Brooks
Tampa, FL
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