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orion-list Septuagint and Old Greek Studies: Discussion Group
I am pleased to announce the beginning of a new discussion list for the
Septuagint. Please cross-post where fitting.
The process of translation of the Hebrew Scriwptures into Greek from the
3rd c. BCE through to the 3rd c. CE constitutes a substantial field of
studies which is inadequately studied. The introduction of the Hebrew
Bible to the Graeco-Roman world begins with the translation of the Torah
into Greek under a third century Ptolemy, continues with the ensuing
translation and composition of other biblical books in Greek, and the
rise of new translations and redactions after the split between
Christianity and Judaism. The resultant families of texts, discernably
emergent in the 4th c. CE and associated with the ptolemaic stories, are
known as the Septuagint. Modern research has sought to critically
reconstruct earlier Greek versions of the Hebrew Scriptures which are
often called the Old Greek.
To contribute to further understanding of the Septuagint and Old Greek
versions of the Hebrew Scriptures, this discussion list is dedicated to
facilitate exchange between theologians, Biblical scholars,
philologists, and students of Septuagintal studies. Anyone with any kind
of interest is welcome to participate.
For more information:
To subscribe: http://www.egroups.com/group/lxx/info.html
Joel D Kalvesmaki
Alumnus, Classics and Philosophy
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
For private reply, e-mail to "Joel D Kalvesmaki" <jdkalv@u.washington.edu>
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