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orion-list crosspost from ANE - job op
Trinity College Dublin
Lectureship in Biblical Studies
The University
Founded in 1592, situated in the centre of Dublin and currently with some
12,000 students, Trinity College is the only constituent college of the
University of Dublin. The University awards degrees ranging from Bachelor
of Arts (BA) to Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D). There are six faculties: Arts
(Humanities); Arts (Letters); Business, Economics, and Social Studies;
Engineering and Systems Sciences; Health Sciences; and Science. School of
Hebrew, Biblical and Theological Studies
The Regius Professorship of Divinity was founded in 1607, the Erasmus
Smith's Professorship of Hebrew in 1724. The School was established in
1980 as a non-denominational institution with regard to its staff,
students and curriculum. It is situated in the Faculty of Arts
(Humanities), and offers undergraduate courses of four years duration in
both the Single Honor and Joint Honor degrees of Trinity CollegeÕs Arts
programme. In addition, the School offers regular series of lectures to
the wider public. The School has a strong interest in and commitment to
Graduate Research. At present twenty students are registered for Ph.D.,
M.Litt. and B.D. degrees. There are one hundred and fifty students
enrolled for undergraduate degrees and twenty enrolled on the postgraduate
register. Each year the School attracts a considerable number of one-year
and four-year students both from the U.S.A. and Europe. A Socrates link
exists with Glasgow University, Scotland. Recently, the Herzog Centre for
Jewish and Near Eastern Religion and Culture has been established in the
School. A newly endowed Chair in Jewish Studies will be filled in the
coming year. It will offer a third strand in Jewish Studies in addition to
Biblical and Theological Studies in our undergraduate programme.
Permanent Staff Members of the School of Hebrew, Biblical and Theological
Professor Se^Çn V. Freyne, M.A., S.T.D., L.S.S. (Rome), M.R.I.A., F.T.C.D.,
- Acting Head of Department, Professor of Theology. Research areas: Early
Judaism and early Christianity in their social and cultural settings.
Professor Andrew D. H. Mayes, M.A. (Dublin), Ph.D. (Edinburgh), Litt.D.
(Dublin), M.R.I.A., F.T.C.D., Professor of Hebrew and Vice-Provost.
Research areas: Israelite history and religion; textual criticism of the
Hebrew Bible; Biblical interpretation.
Dr. Maureen Junker-Kenny, Staatsexamen (T^ßbingen), M.A., Dr.theol.
(M^ßnster), Habil. (T^ßbingen), F.T.C.D., Lecturer in Practical
Theology/Christian Ethics. Research areas: Philosophical and theological
accounts of modernity; F. Schleiermacher in the context of the 19th.
century; Critical Social Theory; Foundations of Ethics; Biomedical Ethics.
A lectureship in Theology is currently being filled. There are also a
number of part-time lecturers in Biblical and Theological Studies teaching
in the Department.
The Appointment
The post advertised is a permanent position.
Candidates will be required to teach and research in post-exilic and
intertestamental periods, with reference to the historical and religious
developments of the periods, the late Hebrew biblical and intertestamental
literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the emergence of the
Hebrew Canon. The lecturer will be expected also to assist in the teaching
of the Hebrew language. The post will be mainly directed towards providing
the link between the classical Hebrew biblical world and the emergence of
Teaching, Examining and Administrative duties
The teaching load is characteristically between six and ten hours weekly
(including the two-hour Graduate Seminar), depending on term. There are 22
teaching weeks (9, 9 and 4), and all members of staff share in the
examining, which covers a period of about four weeks in May-June, and two
weeks in September.
All members of staff are expected to contribute to the administration of
the department (e.g. Head of Year, Examinations Officer, different
committees); and, as the tradition of College government involves a high
degree of participation by academic staff, a member of staff, once
established, may expect to find him/herself called on to serve in various
established and ad hoc committees.
General Facilities
Trinity College Library is the largest research library in Ireland. Since
1801 it has had the right to claim all British and Irish publications
under the terms of successive Copyright Acts.
All members of staff are supplied with computing facilities, including
access to the Internet.
Some funding is available for general research-trips and attendance at
The School has its own web-site: http://www.tcd.ie/Hebrew/page0_Index*.HTM
It is hoped that interviews with the candidates invited can be conducted
on July 5th and 6th, 1999.
For private reply, e-mail to Avital Pinnick <mspinnik@mscc.huji.ac.il>
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