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Re: orion-list Biblical texts on Papyrus ?
> Je recherche une information précise:
> J'ai lu quelque part que la religion juive interdisait l'usage du papyrus
> pour la copie
> d'un texte biblique. Qui connait une ou plusieurs references concernant ce
> sujet?
> Merci d'avance
> Thierry LEGRAND (Morija Theological School)
> Legrand-Zwilling / P.O.Box 32 / Morija 190 / LESOTHO / (266) 360 400
> Legrzwil@adelfang.co.za
For an earlier discussion, see the appendix to
"<t>The Significance of Greek for Jews in the Roman Empire</>,"
by Kurt Treu, <p>Kairos</> NF 15, Hft. 1/2 (1973), 123-144.
[Translated by William Adler, with some fine tuning by Robert
Kraft, from the original title: "<t>Die Bedeutung des Griechischen
f&u%;r die Juden im r&o%;mischen Reich</>." English translation
copyright William Adler and Robert Kraft, August 1991]
(available on the internet -- e.g. under course RelSt 525 on my home
More current would be Emanuel Tov's various books and articles on Hebrew
and Greek biblical matters. The short answer seems to be that papyri was
widely used for copying Jewish biblical texts.
Robert A. Kraft, Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
227 Logan Hall (Philadelphia PA 19104-6304); tel. 215 898-5827
For private reply, e-mail to kraft@ccat.sas.upenn.edu (Robert Kraft)
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