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SV: orion-list Re:...lamps *Correction*

I thought that is what Strange reported--just below the
surface of dirt at the edge of the cemetery, when they
were cleaning the fill from a dig elsewhere.  It was at
the cemetery, and it was in dirt, wasn't it?  

> ----------
> Fra: 	stephen goranson[SMTP:goranson@duke.edu]
> Svar til: 	orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
> Sendt: 	9. maj 1999 20:40
> Til: 	orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
> Emne: 	orion-list Re:...lamps *Correction*
> There's more that might be worth saying on the other two subjects later,
> but, for now, please note this correction or clarification to the sentence
> quoted below, in accord with information given, including by Prof. James
> Strange, in IEJ and in the orion archives:
> The two ostraca found at Qumran in 1996 (dated as Herodian by Cross,
> Eshel,
> Strange, and Yardeni) were *not* found in the dirt of a cemetery.
> thanks,
> Stephen Goranson
> goranson@duke.edu
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