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orion-list Collapsing Paradigms
As the readers of this list are well aware, the last 25 years has seen
new paradigms advanced, positing that the OT is a Post-Exilic creation
dating anywhere from the 6th through 1st centuries BCE, by scholars like
Phillip R. Davies, Niels Peter Lemche, Frederick Cryer, and Thomas L.
I have earlier offered two papers titled Smoking Guns and Fulfilled
Prophecy to members of this list supporting the claim that the OT may be
a Hasmonean Creation of the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE.
I now offer to those interested, my latest paper, available as an e-mail
attachment, in which I advance arguments as to why the LXX cannot be a
creation of the 3rd century BCE and the OT is not a creation of the
10th-5th century BCE. This paper is titled "Collapsing Paradigms: Lying
Witnesses and Confused Scholars".
Please do not send you requests to this list.
Please do send your requests to:
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld
Walldorf by Heidelberg
For private reply, e-mail to Walter Mattfeld <mattfeld@mail.pjsnet.com>
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