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Re: orion-list Re: Hasmonean OT
At 04.44 21/04/99 GMT, George Brooks wrote:
>Dear Dr. Rosenthal,
> . . . . . .
>Exactly how do you draw the line on scholarship? Would you require
>a certain certificate of acceptability before one would be allowed to
>offer position papers to fellow Orion subscribers?
In fact, this seems to be the real general situation: cfr. the first
footnote in B. Chiesa, Biblical and Parabiblical Texts from Qumran, Henoch
20 (1998), p. 131.
Yours sincerely, Alessandro catastini
Alessandro Catastini
Universita' di Pisa
Dpt. Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico
via Galvani 1, 56126 Pisa - I
Tel. 050-911560 - FAX + 39 50 500668
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