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Re: orion-list Re: Hasmonean OT
Dear Dr. Rosenthal,
While W. Mattfeld may have an eccentric way of presenting himself,
I do not agree that he does not "contribute" to the purpose of "this"
endeavor. He is very generous with his research and certainly adds
to the mix of ideas that swirl around us in DSS scholarship.
Exactly how do you draw the line on scholarship? Would you require
a certain certificate of acceptability before one would be allowed to
offer position papers to fellow Orion subscribers? And since he is
doing this at NO COST to Orion subscribers, one can only say that
he is providing a service, and providing it in a way that is as non-
intrusive as possible: he invites people to request the information.
For your peace of mind, I would recommend deleting the offending
emails. I, myself, was happy to accept his invitation.
George Brooks
Tampa, FL
Email: George.X.Brooks@JUNO.com
On Tue, 20 Apr 1999 18:58:31 EDT DoraFrank@aol.com writes:
>why do you let Walter Mattfeld advertise his books on orion? It seems
>to me
>he does not contribute to the scholarly tone and purpose of this
>Dr. Frank Rosenthal
>Inst. for Jud. Studies, Portland, Oregon
>For private reply, e-mail to DoraFrank@aol.com
For private reply, e-mail to george.x.brooks@juno.com
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