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Re: orion-list OT's Hasmonean Origins
The origins of the OT...
By the time of the DSS the OT material was very
folklorized, ergo was much earlier with its embryonic
o"genre" starts at Ras Shamras, Ugarit. The proposal that
the OT popped out of a cultural void in the 5th century is
absurd. Look at such extra biblical texts and materials as
the Lachish letters or the Moabite stone not to mention
Ugaritic texts, Zenon Papyrus, Elephantine temple and so
forth. Though I do believe in the possibility that the
material was "reinvented" and "reworked" or "rediscovered"
then rewritten and "canonized" in those days of Ezra and
Nehemiah. But certainly not in the Hasmonian period to any
great extent. Too much evidence to the contrary. Though I
must admit that I am unfamiliar with this "theory" of the
Hasmonian origins of the OT only because I could never take
such seriously. Perhaps I miss understand it. Does it
refer to the canonization or the actually creation of
these texts. The ultimate cannon I believe was mishnaic,
but these texts themselves are of "undeterminable" age.
Bradley Harrison
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