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orion I Enoch 108
I write to ask about I Enoch 108, the last chapter in the book,
extant (as far as I know) only in Ethiopic. Does anyone know of recent or
important studies of this chapter? Is it the case that it has not yet been
identified at Qumran? I notice that I Enoch portions have been identified
lately in Cave 7 Greek fragments by E. Puech and others. Would the original
language of the chapter be Aramaic (as M. Black) or Hebrew (as J.
Richard Steiner wrote about "The Heading of the Book of the Words
of Noah on a Fragment of the Genesis Apocryphon: New Light on a 'Lost'
Work" in DSD 2 (1995) 66-71. Opinion, I guess, is divided as to whether the
end of I Enoch is that book or another. Should chapter 108 be considered
separately from 106-7 (as F. Garcia-Martinez; M. Black) or together (as J.
Charlesworth. if I remember correctly)? Is one or the other (part of)
"the/a Book of Noah"?
Can we date chapter 108? Is it early Christian (as Milik?)? Is it
Essene? I am interested in 108:2, with variant texts: "You who have
observed (the law) [note]: You who have worked (acted, done)" (E. Isaac
trans.); "You who have observed (it)" (M. Knibb trans.); "You who did good"
[note: lit., you who have performed it...most probably a scribal slip or
alteration {in a ms} (M. Black trans.).
D. Flusser: "In my opinion, the last chapter of the Ethiopic book
of Enoch was also written by a member of the [Dead Sea] sect proper." And:
"These books [Enoch, Jubilees, Test12Patriarchs], however, provide no
evidence of having originated in a tightly-organized religious
community..." with the note: "Except the last chapter of the Book of
Enoch." (Judaism and the Origins of Christianity [Jerusalem: Magnes, 1988]
3-20, here 3, 11=reprint of IEJ 3 [1953] 30-47).
R. Charles (p.280), writing pre-Qumran: "Note the Essene tone of
this chapter, the high honour paid to asceticism, the scorn of silver and
gold in 8-11, the blessed immortality of the soul but apparently not of the
body, and the duration of light and darkness so prominent in 11-14."
Comments or bibliography on Enoch 108?
Stephen Goranson
For private reply, e-mail to stephen goranson <goranson@duke.edu>
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