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Re: orion I Enoch 108
At 11:33 AM 2/22/99 -0500, you wrote:
> I write to ask about I Enoch 108,
Nickelsburg, George W. E. "The Qumran Fragments of 1 Enoch and Other
Apocryphal Works: Implications for the Understanding of Early Judaism and
Christian Origins." In Jewish civilization in the Hellenistic-Roman
period, ed. n.d., 181 - 195. Journal for the study of the pseudepigrapha.
Supplement series 10. Sheffield: JSOT Pr., 1991.
Piwvanelli, Pierluigi. "Il testo e le traduzioni dell'Enoch etiopico. 1976 -
1987." Henoch 10 (1988): 85 - 95.
Alexander, P.S. "3 Enoch and the Talmud." Journal for the study of Judaism
in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman period 18 (1987): 40 - 68.
Black, Matthew and Neugebauer, Otto. The Book of Enoch or I Enoch. A new
english ed. with commentary and textual notes in consultation with Jahmes C.
VanderKam. Studia in veteris testamenti pseudepigrapha 7. Brill: Leiden,1985.
Jim West, ThD
Quartz Hill School of Theology
For private reply, e-mail to Jim West <jwest@Highland.Net>
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