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orion job announcement
I know this is extremely short notice, but I would appreciate it if the members of the list would encourage qualified applicants to apply (or would consider applying themselves) for the following:
>>Applications are invited for the position of Director of the University of
>Florida's Center for Jewish Studies. Currently celebrating its silver
>anniversary, the Center has built a flourishing, multidisciplinary,
>nationally recognized program of teaching, research and public service. Its
>mission is supported by the Price Library of Judaica (60,000 volumes). The
>Director will provide intellectual leadership in sustaining, organizing and
>further developing the Center's academic and public activities.
>Responsibilities include oversight of the undergraduate and graduate degree
>programs, curriculum development, state and local community outreach, and
>the coordination of a major lecture series. The appointment will be made at
>the associate or full professor rank to a recognized scholar in some area of
>Jewish Studies. Applicants must show proven leadership skills and
>administrative capabilities. Salary negotiable.
>>Send letter of intent, c.v., and the names and addresses of three referees,
>whom the applicant has asked to send letters of recommendation direct to the
>search committee chair. Applications should be received by February 16, 1999
>at the following address: Professor Geoffrey J. Giles, Chair, Jewish Studies
>Search Committee, Department of History, PO Box 117320, University of
>Florida, Gainesville FL 32611-7320.
>>The University of Florida is an EEO/AA/ADA employer.
James R. Mueller
Department of Religion
University of Florida
Gainesville FL 32611
Phone: 352-392-1625
Fax: 352-392-7395
For private reply, e-mail to Jim Mueller <jmueller@religion.ufl.edu>
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