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orion English Translations of DSS (was Deut 32.8)

> On Mon, 8 Feb 1999 17:17:15 -0500 (EST),  kraft@ccat.sas.upenn.edu writes:
> >> 
> >> >On Sun, 7 Feb 1999 06:52:26 GMT, flintpet@uniserve.com writes:
> >> 
> >> >>>There has apparently been some confusion on some of these lists
> >> >>>lately regarding the status of Deuteronomy 32:8 and its
> >> >>>preservation in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
> >> >
> >> >  This list below doesn't agree in any great detail with the Index
> >> >  from Wise, Abegg and Cook _Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation_.
> >> >  I understand his are the only pieces now readable in English.
> >> >  Is it that your list hasn't been translated?  Please explain.
> >> >Tom Simms
> >
> >The index in the W-A-C volume is to the materials translated in that
> >volume, which do NOT include biblical manuscript fragments. The list that
> >was supplied here earlier, is a list of the biblical fragments, which in
> >general do not need translating. Apples and Oranges, it seems! 
> >
> >Bob
> >-- 
> Excuse me, but your answer is confusing.  The W-A-C volume makes no mention
> of the limitation you give.  Why would Hebrew not need translating if
>  the scholarly community is to know how many of the fragments are
> translatable.  If they're not, please tell us and you can get on with
> piecing the fragments so you can increase the amount of readable or
> usuable material.
> It might be useful if we outsiders could know just how much more of
> the text material will be beyond recovery.  We'd not be so likely
> to hold our breaths waiting...<sG>
> Tom Simms

Please see the discussion in W-A-C on pp 11-13 ("Contents"). There you
will find the explanation: "It is the texts that no one knew existed that
give the Qumran collection its special quality.... They are the texts that
are translated here" (13). W-A-C does not attempt to provide translations
for biblical texts, or for previously known extrabiblical materials such
as Jubilees and the Enoch texts. Despite the hype, it is not a complete
translation of "all of the texts," although between it, and the recent
translations by Garcia Martinez and Vermes, ALMOST everything that is
non-biblical and translatable is available. I've been preparing a
comparative list of what is or is not in each of these volumes, but it is
not yet ready -- if anyone has already done this work, please let us know! 
(For example, I find no trace of the Micah pesher/commentary 1Q14 & 4Q168
in W-A-C, but it is translated in Garcia Martinez 193ff and Vermes 472.) 

Robert A. Kraft, Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
227 Logan Hall (Philadelphia PA 19104-6304); tel. 215 898-5827
For private reply, e-mail to kraft@ccat.sas.upenn.edu (Robert Kraft)
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