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Re: orion Deut 32:8 in the DSS
>On Sun, 7 Feb 1999 06:52:26 GMT, flintpet@uniserve.com writes:
>>>There has apparently been some confusion on some of these lists
>>>lately regarding the status of Deuteronomy 32:8 and its
>>>preservation in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
> This list below doesn't agree in any great detail with the Index
> from Wise, Abegg and Cook _Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation_.
> I understand his are the only pieces now readable in English.
> Is it that your list hasn't been translated? Please explain.
>Tom Simms
Dear Mr Simms,
Try the series "Discoveries in the Judaean Desert" (Oxford University
Press). Unfortunately these texts are all in Hebrew.
Peter Flint
Dr. Peter W. Flint
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
Dead Sea Scrolls Institute
Dept. of Religious Studies
Trinity Western University Tel. (604) 888-7511
7600 Glover Road Fax. (604) 513-2094
Langley, B C. V2Y 1Y1 email: flint@twu.ca
For private reply, e-mail to Peter Flint <flint@twu.ca>
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