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RE: orion Electronic Version of CDC?
CD-A and CD-B in the Martinez translation are available on the FARMS CD, The
Dead Sea Scrolls on CD. Contact Eileen Wilson at eileen_wilson@byu.edu for
more information.
David Suter
Saint Martin's College
> I'm trying to determine whether there is an electronic version of an
> English translation of the Damascus Document from the Cairo Geniza, which
> I'd like to be able to use in my current DSS undergrad class.
> I've found stuff on the 4Q271 fragments in a couple of places (photos and
> all; it is also on the DSS Revealed CD-ROM), and the Cambridge Genizah
> project has out a digitized image of CD-A page one, but I'd like the full
> English text of CD-A (and if possible, CD-B). If it is not already
> available, I'll probably scan the material in from Schecter's edition,
> unless someone has a better idea. See: Schechter, S.: Documents of Jewish
> sectaries/ edited from Hebrew MSS. in the Cairo Genizah collection, now in
> the possession of the University Library, Cambridge (Cambridge: University
> Press, 1910) 2 v
> Thanks.
> Bob
> --
> Robert A. Kraft,
For private reply, e-mail to "Suter, David" <dsuter@crc.stmartin.edu>
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