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Re: orion Holzfest???
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I^Òve seen it :-) ...
The six-day *feast of the wood-giving/offering, in German *Holzfest I-VI*
starts directly after the *feast of the fresh oil* (jitzhar, but 4Q327 frg.1
ii,7: shämän!) on the 23rd ^ÑEllul,, exactly 51 days after the *feast of
References in the DSS: CD xi,19; 4Q325 Frg. 2,7; 4Q327 Frg.1 ii; 4Q365
Frg.25, 5f.9; 4Q394 (MMT) Frg. 2 ii,8; 4Q409 Frg.1 i,3-4; 11Q19
xxiii,03-xxv; xliii,4; 11Q20 Frg. 8 ii,16
For private reply, e-mail to "Dierk Vandenberg" <haGalil@gmx.net>
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