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Re: orion Holzfest???
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Friend of yours will find a lot of information specifically on that
subject in :
Delcor, Matthias. 1987.
"Réflexions sur la fête de la Xylophorie dans le Rouleau du Temple et
les textes parallèles", Revue de Qumran 12. 561-569.
Dave Washburn wrote:
> All these feasts are familiar
> enough except for one he calls (in German) the "Holzfest," some
> sort of
> feast/festival/celebration involving "wood"(?). I've never heard of
> this. After unsuccessfully searching some encyclopedias, I asked a
> practicing Jew who is also a Talmudic scholar of sorts (albeit not a
> Qumran scholar), and he didn't have a clue.
> The Temple Scroll passage is 23:11...
Christophe Batsch
11 cité Voltaire F-75011 Paris
tel : 01 43 67 65 63
mel : batsch@club-internet.fr
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