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orion sefer hhgy
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:35:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Steven Fraade <frasted@pantheon.yale.edu>
4Q417 does not refer to "book of Hagi," but rather to a "vision of the
meditation of the book of memorial," according to Wacholder & Abegg,
Preliminary Edition, facs. 2, p. 66: xzwn hhgwy lspr zkrwn. So I don't
think it helps in determining whether spr hhgy is to be identified with
the Torah of Moses or some esoteric work (I favor the former, as I
indicate in my article on spr hhgy forthcoming in Encycl. of the DSS).
As to "expanding teaching authority beyond the priesthood," just look at
the continuation of the CD passage, on which I have a piece forthcoming in
Dead Sea Discoveries. Finally, spr hhgy only appears four times (once
restored) in the extant DSS, so the fact that it appears once in 1QSa and
not at all in 1QS is not all that remarkable to me.
Perhaps others wish to meditate upon this.
On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, Martin Jaffee wrote:
> Colleagues: Parallel rulings at CD 13:2 and 1QS 6:6 have a "priestly man
> learned in the book of Hagi" (CD) or a "man interpreting the Torah" (1QS)
> mandated to preside over a quorum of 10 community members. I recognize
> that there is some controversy over whether the book of Hagi is a nickname
> for the canonical Torah or a reference to some other book entirely (as,
> e.g., in 4Q417 where it seems to be some sort of primordial text).
> My questions:
> 1. What is
> the likelihood that 1QS is "taming" CD by placing the Torah, rather than
> the book of Hagi at the center of study and expanding teaching authority
> beyond the priesthood?
> 2. If 1QS and 1QSa are from a similar milieau (although focused on
> different matters) what explains 1Qs's silence about the book of Hagi and
> its presence in 1QSa 1:7 as a staple of communal instruction?
> I'd be grateful for any bibliography addressing this issue. MJ
> ___________________________________________________
> Martin S. Jaffee University of Washington
> Prof. & Chair, Comparative Religion Box 353650
> Prof., Jewish Studies Seattle, WA 98195
> Phone: 206-543-9846 FAX: 206-685-0668
> **************************************************
> Rabbi Eleazar Hakappar used to say: You were conceived without being
> consulted, you were born without being consulted, you live without being
> consulted, and you'll die without being consulted. And without being
> consulted, you are going to account for yourself before the King of Kings
> of Kings, The Blessed Holy One. (Avot 4:29)
> He did NOT say: "Have a nice day!"
> **************************************************
> For private reply, e-mail to Martin Jaffee <jaffee@u.washington.edu>
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Steven D. Fraade
Department of Religious Studies Office Tel: (203) 432-0828
Yale University Office Fax: (203) 432-7844
P.O. Box 208287 / 320 Temple Street Internet: steven.fraade@yale.edu
New Haven, CT 06520-8287 U.S.A.
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