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Re: orion-list 4th Orion symposium volume contents
In a message dated 09/17/2000 11:24:23 PM Central Daylight Time,
SAbramo884@aol.com writes:
<< Listers
I am interested in this topic but I cannot seem to jump to it with AOL I
wonder if am* jump to the web site is possible with an highlighted or
underlined or does the "shmtl: " at the end of the address represent an
Steve Abramowitz
For private reply, e-mail to SAbramo884@aol.com >>
Try this idea. Copy and paste the following web address to the web
address space at the top and center of your AOL page. To help you do it, I
copied the address from Avital's message and pasted it below.
Now if that does not work, double click on the hyperlink below and it
will take you where you want to go.
<A HREF="http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il/orion/publications/4SymTOC.shtml">
Historical Perspectives: Table of Contents</A>
Virgil Brown
White Oak, Texas
For private reply, e-mail to Virgbrown1@aol.com
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