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Re: orion-list 4th Orion symposium volume contents

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 SAbramo884@aol.com wrote:

> Listers
> I am interested in this topic but I cannot seem to jump to it with  AOL I 
> wonder if am*   jump to the web site is possible with an  highlighted or 
> underlined or does the "shmtl: "    at the end of the address represent an  
> error?
> Steve Abramowitz
> For private reply, e-mail to SAbramo884@aol.com

The .shtml extension is not an error (but "shmtl," which you wrote, is). I
use SSI (server side includes) for the dates, header, copyright notices
and all the bibliography data files.  For that reason, you'll see it on
most of the Orion pages. I have never heard of a problem before with AOL
and I'm not quite sure what you are describing in your message. Please
write to me privately and give me more details. Thank-you.


Avital Pinnick, Ph.D.                             tel: 972-2-588-1230
List Moderator/Chief of Publications              fax: 972-2-588-3584
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew University
http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il - DSS bibliography updated weekly.

For private reply, e-mail to Avital Pinnick <mspinnik@mscc.huji.ac.il>
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