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orion-list Amusin biblio query

Avital is right. VDI is "Vestnik Drevnej Istorii", a Russian (Soviet) 
scholarly preiodical dedicated to the ancient history. Both articles 
published in Russian language. Their Russian transliterated titles are:
I.D. Amusin, Kumranskij Kommentarij na Nauma (4Q pNahum)"(For J. 
Amusin, "The Qumran Commentary on Nahum (4Qp Nahum I)," VDI 
(1962)#4,Pentateuch. 101-110); and I.D. Amusin, "Novye otryvki 
kumranskogo kommentarija na Nauma (4Q pNahum II-IV)"(For J. 
Amusin, "New Fragments of the Qumran Commentary on Nahum (4Qp Nahum II-
IV)," VDI (1964) #1, Pentateuch. 35-47).
I hope this information will be helpful.

Andrei Orlov
Marquette University


My guess would be Vestnik Drevnei Istorii. Amusin has published several
articles in that journal.


Avital Pinnick, Ph.D. tel: 972-2-588-1230
List Moderator/Chief of Publications fax: 972-2-588-3584
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew University
http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il - DSS bibliography updated weekly.

On Tue, 15 Aug 2000 RGmyrken@aol.com wrote:

> In researching the research on Joseph Amusin of Leningrad on the 
> I've run up against a periodical abbreviation I've never encountered 
> (in his 1977 HUCA article), "VDI". Could someone on the list 
> regarding this journal [?] name?
> A private response would suffice.
> J. Amusin, "The Qumran Commentary on Nahum (4Qp Nahum I)," VDI (1962) 
> Pentateuch. 101-110.
> J. Amusin, "New Fragments of the Qumran Commentary on Nahum (4Qp 
> II-IV)," VDI (1964) #1, Pentateuch. 35-47.
> Thanks,
> Russell Gmirkin

For private reply, e-mail to Andrei Orlov <andrei.orlov@marquette.edu>
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