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orion-list Re: orion-digest V2000 #102 scribal hands
with regard to the question concerning scribal hands:
in the recently published DJD XXIX Esther Chazon refers to John
Strugnell who thinks that 4Q457 was written by Scribe 1 (the
1QS,Sa,Sb etc. scribe), and states that 4Q443 has a similar hand
(though not claiming that it was the same scribe).
In the case of Scribe 1 we can distinguish a common hand, but also
the same kind of scribal peculiarities (e.g. representing the
4grammaton by four dots) and a remarkable incertitude with regard
to laryngals/gutturals in the texts (both interchange and elision), a
high percentage of scribal corrections etc in most of the texts
attributed to this scribe. To my knowledge no-one has
systematically compared all the texts attributed to this scribe (but
Martin's classic book is still a Fundgrube and Ulrich has listed in his
article on 4QSam-c the most striking correspondences).
Eibert Tigchelaar
University of Groningen
For private reply, e-mail to "E.J.C. Tigchelaar" <E.J.C.Tigchelaar@theol.rug.nl>
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