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orion-list Scribal Hands in the DSS
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Greetings all
Thanks to everyone who responded to my last post. I especially found the
article by Tal Ilan very interesting. I was going to ask a question
concerning which scrolls were written by the same scribal hand. However,
thinking that this may have been discussed in the past, I looked at the old
posts at orion and found that indeed this has been discussed before. The
people who provided data on the subject were Greg Doudna and Martin Abegg
(see http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il/orion/archives/19961101.txt). These are
the scrolls the two listed collectively...
Scribe 1 - 1QS (1QSa, 1QSb), 4QTest, 4QSamc, 2QJer, and wrote corrections on
Scribe 2 - 1QpHab and 11QTempleb
Scribe 3 - 4QpPsa, 4QpHosa, and 4QpIsaa
Scribe 4 - 4QFlor [4Q174] and 4QOrda [4Q159]
(Abegg - )
Scribe 5 - 4QSe [4Q259] and 4QOtot [4Q319]
(now generally accepted as different parts of the same manuscript)
Scribe 6 - 4QTohorot Ba [4Q276] and 4QMc [4Q493]
(Fairly certain in Abegg^Òs opinion)
Scribe 7 - 4QCurses [4Q280], 5QS [5Q11], and 4QpsMosese [4Q390]
Scribe 8 - 4QMMTd [4Q397] and 4QPolemical fragment [4Q471a]
Scribe 9 - [SI110*] and 4QNarrative D [4Q463]
(*This is what Abegg posted, but I do not know what manuscript he was
refering to)
Scribe 10 - Calendrical Doc Eb [4Q327] and4QMMTa [4Q394](perhaps part of the
same manuscript, questionable)
Scribe 11 - [4Q491]
(Abegg ^Ö I have decided is actually 3 mss of the same hand (4Q491 causes me
to consider that there may be numerous mss that are actually 2 or more
fragmentary works copied by the same scribe).
The only question I have then is has there come to light any newer examples
since 1996 (when the post was put up)? Have any of these identifications of
scribal hands since been found in error?
Anthony Becker
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