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orion-list Conference: Oriental and Celtic Thought: Millennial Themes
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The Consultative Committee on Biblical and Near Eastern Studies of the
Royal Irish Academy has organised a 2000 CONFERENCE on:
Oriental and Celtic Thought: Millennial Themes
in Dublin --- 28th - 30th June, 2000
Further details and registration forms can be obtained from:
Ms. Marion Deegan, Royal Irish Academy, Email: m.deegan@ria.ie
Fax: + 353- 1-676 2346
Here is part of the conference announcement;
Rationale of Conference
In the opening of her recent paper on Apocalyptic Themes in Biblical
Literature, Adela Yarbro Collins writes (Interpretation 53 (n.2, April 1999):
Two kinds of apocalyptic themes appear in biblical literature. One type is
intrinsic to the genre 'apocalypse' whose themes include the idea of
revelation and narratives about the reception of revelation through dreams,
visions, hearing voices, or taking journeys to heaven and other normally
inaccessible places. They also include the idea of the fulfilment of
history, for example in a final, universal, peaceful, prosperous community
or in the destruction of the world and a new creation, including the
resurrection of the dead. The other type is less closely related to the
genre 'apocalypse' but includes themes that cohere with the first group,
such as the combat myth and Antichrist.
Wednesday, 28 June
7.00 p.m. OPENING of Conference
Professor David Spearman,
President, Royal Irish Academy
Chairperson: Professor John Bartlett
'Enoch in Millennial Perspective: On the Counter Cultural History of an
Apocalyptic Hero'
Professor Philip S. Alexander, University of Manchester
8.00 p.m. WINE RECEPTION (Members room, Academy House)
Thursday, 29 June
9.30-10.15 Journeys to the World Beyond in Ancient Judaism
Professor John J. Collins, University of Chicago
10.15-10.45 TEA/COFFEE
10.45-11.30 Apocalyptic in Qumran
Professor Florentino García Martínez, University of Groningen
11.30-12.15 The Apocalypse of John and its Millennial Themes
Professor Adela Yarbro Collins, University of Chicago
12.15-1.45 LUNCH
1.45-2.30 Irish Vision Literature: Fís Adamnáin
Dr John Carey, National University of Ireland, Cork
2.30-3.15 Visions of the End and Irish High Crosses
Dr Kees Veelenturf , Titus Brandsma Instituut, Katholieke Universiteit
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
3.15-3.45 TEA/COFFEE
4.00-5.00 GUIDED TOUR of pre-Christian and early Christian
Antiquities in the National Museum (Kildare Street)
5.00 p.m. CONFERENCE RECEPTION at the National Museum, hosted by the
National Museum of Ireland (Kildare Street)
Friday, 30 June
9.30-10.15 Irish Apocalyptic and Eschatological Literature
Professor Martin McNamara
10.15-10.45 TEA/COFFEE
10.45-11.30 On the Middle Welsh Poem 'Arymes Dydd Brawt' (HGC VIII)
Professor Pierre-Yves Lambert, C.N.R.S. & E.P.H.E, Paris
11.30-12.15 The Apocalypse of Paul: Its Previous History and its Afterlife
Dr Anthony Hilhorst, University of Groningen
12.15-2.00 LUNCH
2.00-2.45 Irish Voyage Literature: The Voyage of Bran
Dr Donncha Ó hAodha, National University of Ireland, Galway
2.45-3.30 Oriental and Celtic Links: Summary and General Discussion
Introduced and Chaired by Professor John Bartlett
3.30-3.45 CLOSE of Colloquium
Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]
For private reply, e-mail to "Maurice A. O'Sullivan" <mauros@iol.ie>
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