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orion-list re: Altman Bibliography
Gentle Dr Altman--
Thanks much for your bibliography, particularly for its
newer inclusions!
> "Rochelle I. Altman" wrote:
> [snip]
> Parsing Rhythms
> *Southworth, James, G. _Verses of Cadence: An Introduction
to the Prosody
> of Chaucer and his followers_. Oxford: Blackwell,
> While this one may seem odd to find here, English
and Hebrew (and
> Modern Italian) share similar (not identical, but
very similar)
> parsing rhythms. As the MSS show that English
parsing rhythms
> were already set in this pattern - at least in
Northumbrian and
> Mercian [Mod. Eng is descended from Mercian] by
the 7th century,
> a study of Chaucerian English is not anachronistic
and is quite
> helpful in examining the early Hebrew parsing
rhythms that show up
> in the Q texts. (I believe that someone has been
working on the
> subject of Hebrew parsing rhythms, in Hebrew - and
thus is not all
> that accessible.)
Perhaps another useful work written in English for this
section might be:
Alonso-Schoekel, Luis. 1988. A manual of Hebrew
poetics. Subsidia
11. Rome: Editrice Pontificio istituto biblico.
> I wanted to put Akkadian, Sumerian, and Ugaritic
epigraphic material on as
> well - but my floppy drive is still recalcitrant.
I trust your drive will recover so that we may read your
suggestions in this
area, in particular such items as Kilmer & Civil on music
notation, et al.
Take care,
-- Bob Dietel
St Aidan's parish
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