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Re: orion-list Altman scans
Hi, Avital,
Of, course, happy to oblige.
Yadi.htm is a scan of the stele of Kilamu King of Yadi (as noted
on the posting, it is from Naveh). The stele uses the "late" (actually
middle) Phoenician writing system... and is the same system used
in Paleo-Hebraic.
Exodus.htm is a scan of fragments 4 and 5 from Murabba'at with
Frag. 4 above and Frag 5 below. The text is written in a formal,
"liturgical," biblical book script... and again uses the Phoenican-
Hebraic writing system - modified slightly for writing on leather/
parchment. Each fragment is written by a different scribe: both
scribes use variant forms as well as stress and durational notation...
which we will look at.
Serech.htm is the document that started this whole thing...It is
written in an everyday, informal, Square Aramaic font. It still uses
the ancient Phoenician-Hebraic writing system of variant phones and
durational notation, but is already showing signs of a reduction in
stress notation - a very typical pattern found throughout the West.
Stress notation is always the first piece of the ancient system to be
lost in the process of chipping away at a writing system (e.g. classi-
cization) - it happens again and again. The four scribes of this document
will be shown and some of their ideographs isolated.
Cheerfully yours (it's only in the 80's today!),
Dr. Rochelle I. Altman, co-coordinator IOUDAIOS-L risa@hol.gr
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