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orion-list Science and the Scrolls abstracts
Taskforce for Science and the Scrolls
Orion Center
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Abstracts of papers presented at the "Symposium on the Role of Analytical
Methods in the Study, Restoration and Conservation of Ancient Manuscripts,
with Emphasis on the Dead Sea Scrolls, 14 April 1999, Prague" have been
posted on the Orion web site.
Avital Pinnick, Ph.D. tel: 972-2-588-1230
List Moderator/Chief of Publications fax: 972-2-588-3584
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew University
http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il - DSS bibliography updated weekly.
For private reply, e-mail to Avital Pinnick <mspinnik@mscc.huji.ac.il>
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