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orion-list literature concerning 7Q5!?

Dear list-members!

I am working on a comprehensive book about the identification of
Qumran-Fragment 7Q5 with Mc 6, 52 - 53.
Since it is not easy to get a (nearly) complete survey of the enormous
amount of literature concerning this point I would be very glad if you
list-members can help me collecting literature.
I ask for all titels you know or heard about, concerning this subject.
Internet-sites are welcome because I am planing a chapter about the
reception of 7Q5-discussion in the www.
I hope you can help me!

Stefan Enste
e-mail: Enste.Hirschberg@t-online.de
For private reply, e-mail to Enste.Hirschberg@t-online.de (Stefan Enste)
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