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orion-list Pliny Qumran analysis

To A. Baumgarten, here are my answers to your
good question.
(a) attestation of the term "yachad", or any of the 
other distinctive cluster of terms in the yachad-related 
Qumran texts, on an ostracon or building at Qumran. 
(b) identification of the same scribal hand on an ostracon 
at Qumran matching with a scribe on a text in the caves.  
(c) confirmation or redundancy of the 4QpPsA 1st 
century CE radiocarbon date, i.e. from 4QpIsaA,
4QpHosA, or another sample from 4QpPsA from a
different area of the text with a contamination check.
(d) dating scroll jars from the caves to later than 1st
BCE through thermoluminescence or radiocarbon
(e) a convincing demonstration that there is allusion 
to some post-63 BCE historical event or circumstance 
in a Qumran text or fragment
(f) an inscription or economic text (or literary text) from
the Dead Sea region with a Hebrew or Aramaic term, 
used consciously as a name or sobriquet (beyond
epithet or adjective), that sounds like what could 
be underneath a transliteration into Greek of "Essene".  
(g) rabbinic traditions with heretofore unrecognized 
striking details or correspondences to Qumran texts, 
the Dead Sea region, etc., that would shed light 
on some of the puzzles
(h) well-argued ancient or ethnographic comparative 
parallels that help make sense of what is puzzling 
viewed in isolation . . .

Greg Doudna

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