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Re: orion-list Re: self-definition
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Stevan Goranson
>>On the other hand, perhaps (?)--I don't know--Epiphanius may
have been an influence on the Old Russian/Church
Slavonic version of Josephus. <<
I'll say one thing, not too many want to talk about Slavonic Josephus! What
parts of the Slavonic version do you suspect were influenced by Epiphanius?
Would this be an assumed influence, or based on some existing passages, such
as found in his Panarion?
My only -owned- source of knowledge about the Slavonic versions comes from R
Eisler's _Messiah Jesus and John the Baptist_ (1931), plus what I can get out
of the LCL volume that contains the English translation of the principal
additions and a list of the significant omissions (also, ultimately, from
Has the study of the Slavonic versions advanced significantly? I think Eisler
ultimately was inclined towards a medieval revisionist under the spell of the
Kiev based Judaizing "heresy", who just happened to be well versed in related
literature. However, he tossed out the suggestion that one of these related
works was some version of the original Aramaic version of the War, or a short
Greek version that preceded the edition(s) that has (or have) survived. I do
not think anyone takes that seriously anymore, so I guess I am curious to see
if any other (more likely?) source has been identified.
Dave Hindley
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
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