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Re: orion-list Re: self-definition
1) 'osey hatorah is indeed a self-designation in sectarian Qumran mss,
particularly in the characteristic genre the pesharim (pHab links Qumran,
the regard for the teacher of righteousness, and Essenes). That Qumran was
one Essene settlement see, e.g.,
"Rereading Pliny on the Essenes"
For a recent defence of the etymology of "Essenes" from Hebrew
'asah, see James VanderKam, "Identity and History of the Community,"
487-533 in vol. 2, The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years: A Comprehensive
Assessment (ed. P. Flint and J. VanderKam (Leiden: Brill, 1999).
"Antilangage" is perhaps not the ideal term; perhaps resistance or
restoration langage is better,
As for the two s's, note that the Greek word Philo gives, three
times, osios, has one s as does 'osey. Perhaps see also VanderKam and the
Josephus Lexicon name volume and S. Krauss, Greichische nd Lateinische
Lehnwoerter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum (Berlin, 1898) especially vol.
1, p. 46 (though I have not yet located his reference to Jerome).
Also on Qumran preference for Hebrew in community documents (making
an Aramaic source for "Essenes" not likely) see recently Steve Weitzman,
"Why Did the Qumran Commnity Write in Hebrew?" JAOS 119 (1999) 35-45 and
Stanislav Segert, "Hebrew Essenes--Aramaic Christians" 169-84 in Mogilany
1995 [Klawek FS] (ed. Z. Kapera; Krakow: Enigma, 1998)
2) For a recent survey of the subject, see Eileen Schuller, "Women in the
Dead Sea Scrolls," 117-144 in vol. 2, The DSS After Fifty Years.
best wishes,
Stephen Goranson
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