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orion-list Bar-Ilan U: Conference on Jewish Onomastics
Cross-posted from ANE
The Fourth International Conference On Jewish Onomastics
Monday-Tuesday, June 14-15, 1999
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan Israel
Conference Program
Monday June 14, 1999
08:30 Registration
09:00 Greetings: Moshe Kaveh, President, Bar-Ilan University
Yehuda Friedlander, Rector, Bar-Ilan University
Moshe Garsiel, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies
Aaron Demsky, Chair The Steering Committee
First Session: Gershon Bacon, Chair
09:30 Alexandre Beider: Ashkenazic Jewish Names - Determining Their
10:30 Zvi Bernhart and Alexander Abraham: The Project of Computerization
of the Names at Yad Vashem (ENG, HEB)
Second Session: Refael Yankelevitch, Chair
11:30 Ronny Reich and Eli Shukrun: Placenames in the Territory of
Benjamin in the Late Second Temple Period (HEB)
12:00 Haggai Misgav: Jewish Personal Names and Appellations in the
Epigraphical Sources from the Roman-Byzantine Period (HEB)
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Third Session: Ariel Toaff, Chair
14:00 Leah Makovetsky: Personal Names of Salonican Jewry in the 18th and
19th Centuries in Bills of Divorce, the Responsa Literature and on the
Tombstones (HEB)
14:30 Chana Tolmas: The LAQAB - An Important Aspect of Bukharan Jewish
Anthroponymy (HEB)
15:00 Yitzhak Ganuz: Jewish Names of Streets and Places in Eastern
Europe (HEB)
Fourth Session: Shimon Cooper, Chair
16:00 Vladimir Orel: Names of Jews in the Hebrew Khazar Letter of Kiev
16:30 Andrea H Brill: Re-Judaization of the German Jews 1933-1945 - The
Onomastic Evidence
17:00 Donald M. Lance: Biblical Names in the Toponymy of Missouri
Tuesday June 15, 1999
Fifth Session: Yossi Katz, Chair
09:00 Admiel Kosman: Names and Nicknames of Sages as a Literary
Component in the Design of the Aggadic Story (HEB)
09:30 Ben-Zion Rosenfeld: 'Qira Mega', The Unusual Name of the Wife of
Rabbi Joshua ben Levi (HEB)
10:00 Yosef Rivlin: Rabbi Elijah of Vilna His Method of interpretation
Names (HEB)
Sixth Session: Hanan Eshel, Chair
11:00 Emmanuel Friedheim: The Names Gad, Gada, Gadya among Palestinian
and Babylonian Sages and the Rabbinical Struggle against Pagan Influences
11:30 Efrat Habas:The Name 'Tamar' in The Late Roman Period (HEB)
12:00 Hananel Mack: The Names of the Ancients From Adam to Noah in
Traditional and Modern Commentaries (HEB)
12:30 Tal Ilan: A Corpus of the Jewish Names in Palestine During the
Second Temple Period (HEB)
13:00-14:30 Lunch
Seventh Session: Yitschak Sefati, Chair
14:30 David A. Glatt-Gilad: The Personal Names in Jeremiah as a Source
for the History of the Period (HEB)
15:00 Yohanan Cohen-Yashar: Philo of Alexandria On the Change of Names
15:30 Moshe A. Zippor: Who is Ieoul son of Asser? (HEB)
Eighth Session Rabbi Shlomo Shefer, Chair
16:30 Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu: Jewish Names. A Traditional Approach (HEB)
Concluding Remarks: Edwin D. Lawson
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