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orion-list Bar-Ilan U: New Directions in Archaeology
Cross-posted from ANE
Material Culture, Society and Ideology: New Directions in the Archaeology
of the Land of Israel
A Conference at Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Thursday, 3rd June, 1999
8:40 Gathering
9:10 Greetings, Dr. Hanan Eshel, Director of the Institute of
Archaeology, Bar Ilan University
Session A: Archaeology and Society: Chairperson: Prof. Amihai Mazar
David Ilan Rural Archaeology - Tel Dan in the Early Iron Age
Assaf Yasur-Landau The Daughters of Philistia; Toward a Methodology of
Gender and Migration in Archaeology
Amos Kloner The economic Organization and Social Structure of
Hellenistic Maresha According to the Town Plan and The Archaeological
Yifat Peleg Gender, Ossuaries and Meaning
Gabriel Barkai Burial Caves and Dwellings in Judah during Iron Age
II: Sociological Aspects
Gideon Avni Respondent
Session B: Groups and Processes in the Archaeological Record: Chairperson:
Prof. Michal
Artzi (11:30-13:15)
Yosef Garfinkel The Crystallization of a Religious System in the
Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Period: Economy, Society, and Ideology
Shlomo Bunimovitz Lifestyle and material culture: aspects of the
behavior of Aegean immigrants in Cyprus and the Land of Israel in the 12th
cent. BCE
Ilan Sharon Stratigraphical inference: A Methodological Study
and a Mathematical Model
Alon de-Groot Respondent
Session C: Archaeology and Ideology: Chairperson: Prof. Shimon Dar
Avraham Faust An Entrance to the Past: Architecture, Language and
Cosmology in the Iron Age II
Ze'ev Herzog The Canaanite City: Between Ideology and
Archaeological Reality
Raphael Greenberg Uniformity as Ideology in the Early Bronze Age
Liora Kolska Horwitz Food for the Gods: Food for Thought
Aren M. Maeir Respondent
Session D: Are These Really New Directions?: Chairperson: Mr. Amir Drori
Zeev Safrai, Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies, Bar Ilan
Avi Gopher, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University
Simon Cooper, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar Ilan
Steve Rosen, Department of Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Ben
Gurion University
The conference will be held at the Mintz Auditorium, Bar Ilan University,
Ramat Gan, Israel. The lectures will be in Hebrew, though English
abstracts of the lectures will be available at the conference. A book with
the conference proceedings (with Hebrew articles and English abstracts)
will be sold at the conference.
The organizers,
Avi Faust, e-mail: fausta@mail.biu.ac.il
Aren M. Maeir, e-mail: maeir@h2.hum.huji.ac.il
The Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies, Bar Ilan
University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 52900. Fax: 972-3-5351233.
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