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Re: orion-list CD "B" text
According to Joseph Baumgarten (DJD XVIII, p.6 n.5), "Text B of CD is only
represented among the cave 4 manuscripts by two small fragments of col. XX"
which he specifies (p. 3) as 4Q266 [D(a)] 4 i: XX 33-34 and 4Q267 [D(b)] 3:
XX 25-28.
Stephen Goranson
> Would anyone with information comment on the correctness
> or incorrectness of the following two propositions?
> (a) The "B" text of CD is not attested at Qumran (has anyone
> argued that it is?)
> (b) [....]
> Thanks--
> Greg Doudna
> Copenhagen
>For private reply, e-mail to Greg Doudna <gd@teol.ku.dk>
For private reply, e-mail to stephen goranson <goranson@duke.edu>
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