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orion-list Teacher of Righteousness
Hi Stephen. That is interesting, since Wacholder argues precisely that the
grammar has been mistranslated. I sort of find it hard to imagine that so
many scholars have overlooked some obvious grammatical points. Has anyone
discussed the details of Wacholder's arguments with him or others who argue
the same way? I would assume he has something to base himself on in the
text itself, but not only does the argument need more explicit
clarification, but its application to other DSS needs to be addressed,
particularly the pesharim.
David Goldman
Free-lance translator
>Your post actually raises several questions (including whether the teacher
>was considered a messiah). But as to Wacholder's changed view and your
>explicit question, wouldn't it be fair to say that the theory is not
>self-evident from the grammar?
>Stephen Goranson
For private reply, e-mail to David Goldman <davic@pop.erols.com>
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