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orion-list Allegro question #2
With John Allegro's date of death established (1988, age 65) and
cause ("aortic aneurism", courtesy of G. Brooke for that
information), here is a second question:
It is stated in O. Betz and R. Riesner, _Jesus, Qumran und
der Vatikan_ (1993), p. 28, that Allegro suffered from drug
problems and alcholism.
Although this is stated as a fact, Betz and Riesner
provide no footnote or documentation for
this, and it is doubtful they are speaking from personal
knowledge. Does anyone know the source of this
charge, or have any independent means of establishing
its truth?
Greg Doudna
For private reply, e-mail to Greg Doudna <gd@teol.ku.dk>
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