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Re: orion A solution, Mr Simms!(Deut 32:8)
> I really think that some of the discussion on Deut 32:8 is becoming
> sidetracked and wasting time that many of us do not have.
> The DSS are published in the series Discoveries in the Judaean Desert
> (DJD), in the original languages, and the biblical scrolls are nearly all
> published.
Yes. For the most part the comments are in English, but some of
the volumes are in French. I have a question for you, Mr. Flint: the
whole matter arose, as I understand, because of a discussion of
the phrase BNY Y%R)L vs. BNY )L or BNY )LWHYM. Does
4QpaleoDeut(r) include this part of verse 8, and if so, what does it
read? I haven't been able to get my hands on DJD 9 yet...
Dave Washburn
A Bible that's falling apart means a life that isn't.
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