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orion proselytising/mission
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Dear Orion members,
I am researching the extent and nature of congregational mission
expectations within earliest Christianity. By ^Ñcongregational mission
expectations^Ò is meant the expectations leaders had of believers (as
individuals or as congregations) to involve themselves in the
proselytising/mission aims of the Christian movement.
I am also trying to set the study in its historical context, searching for
hints in the 'pagan' and Jewish literature of the period of anything like an
expectation to support 'conversion-oriented' activities. I have read widely
re the 'Jewish mission' question, but would like to ask Qumran specialists
if anything comes to mind (primary or secondary literature) relating to the
Judaism(s) of Qumran that might be of interest for my enquiry.
Thank you,
John Dickson
Department of Ancient History
Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia
For private reply, e-mail to "John Dickson" <jdickson@bigpond.com>
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