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Re: orion Chanukah, Tefillin and Minim
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Dear Jack,
Do you believe the yerushalmi (a fourth or fifth century text) at face
value? I'm sorry, but improvements in methodology in the study of rabbinic
documents over the past two decades makes that approach no longer feasible.
Historical method requires that the historian test the evidence for accuracy
and reliability BEFORE you begin to use it for historical reconstruction.
Since there is no way to verify (or falsify) the reliability of the
Yerushalmi's information, it is unusuable for this type of historical
P.S. What is "Brach"? Do you mean Berachot? That's usually abbreviated
Paul V.M. Flesher, Director
Religious Studies Program
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071-3353 USA
(307) 766-2616 Office (307) 766-3189 Fax
>From: Jack Kilmon <jkilmon@historian.net>
>To: orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
>Subject: Re: orion Chanukah, Tefillin and Minim
>Date: Wed, Jan 13, 1999, 5:58 PM
>Paul Flesher wrote:
>> Let's be blunt. There is no known usage prior to its appearance in a ca
>> ce text we call the Mishnah. That text talks about the birkat ha-minim,
>> it does not provide sufficient evidence for dating the blessing to the
>Brach 28b: ?Said R. Gamaliel to the Sages: Can anyone among you frame a
>benediction relating to the minim? (was censored to Sadducees but has now
>been restored from an older version). JBrach 4, 8a; Tbrach 3,25 ..Samuel
>Lesser arose and composed it. The date of the Birkhat ha-Minim MUST be
>between 80 (when Gamaliel became Nasi) and 90, the date of Shmuel
>Sufficiency of evidence must therefore lie in how much trust we place in
>the historicity of the mishnaic account.
>For private reply, e-mail to Jack Kilmon <jkilmon@historian.net>
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For private reply, e-mail to Paul Flesher <pflesher@uwyo.edu>
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