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Re: orion Chanukah, Tefillin and Minim
Paul V.M. Flesher, Director
Religious Studies Program
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071-3353 USA
Yes, minim is essentially a rabbinic term. It is anachronistic when applies
to the C2 bce.
Paul Flesher
(307) 766-2616 Office (307) 766-3189 Fax
, and in later generations Karaites, Sabbatians, Frankists, etc.
>> For instance, when was the term "minim" first used in the sense of
>>heretics (or minut=heresy, in the sense not merely of a group choice but
>>a disapproved group)? When writing of the 160s BCE, is this usage
>>Stephen Goranson
For private reply, e-mail to Paul Flesher <pflesher@uwyo.edu>
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