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Re: orion Holzfest???
At 02:13 PM 1/12/99 -0700, you wrote:
>A friend of mine who is translating a reference work from German to
>English came across a reference that has stumped all of us so far.
>Here's the info he sent me:
>The author of the TDOT article mentions that most of the
>occurrences of
>the word for "goat" in Qumran are found in the Temple Scroll and
>to sacrifices. He mentions several feasts/festivals at which, so the
>Temple Scroll, goats were sacrificed. All these feasts are familiar
>enough except for one he calls (in German) the "Holzfest," some
>sort of
>feast/festival/celebration involving "wood"(?). I've never heard of
>this. After unsuccessfully searching some encyclopedias, I asked a
>practicing Jew who is also a Talmudic scholar of sorts (albeit not a
>Qumran scholar), and he didn't have a clue.
I found a reference to the holiday immediately in the Judisches Lexikon,
Berlin, 1928 v. 2 column 1656.
I can't give an accurate translation of the German. The article says to
look at Nehemia 10:35 & 13:31. See also Mishnah Ta'anite 4:5. "Holz"
refers to the wood of the alter. The verses in Nehemia describe the ceremony.
Daniel D. Stuhlman
Hebrew Theological College
Saul Silber Memorial Library
7135 N Carpenter Road
Skokie, IL 60077
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