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successors to ANE list
To: orion@pluto.mscc.huji.ac.il
From: cejo@midway.uchicago.edu (Charles E. Jones)
Subject: Successors to the ANE list
Cc: <victor@bgumail.bgu.ac.il>
>Just to help us out on the issue, I was on the ANE list, enjoying it very
>much. It was shut down several months ago because the conversations had
>gotten way off topic, but there was also one particular "flamer" who was
>quite verbose and quite abusive, and his participation may have been part
>of the cause for the collapse of the list. As you know from teaching,
>disruptive students should sometimes, for the sake of all the others, be
>removed from the classroom. This is not considered censorship, only
>Avigdor Hurowitz
Wilth apologies to the moderator for the off-topic posting:
We expect to have the successors to ANE up and running again by the end of
the month. We will provide a range of options, from very stricly moderated
to very open. But - even the open list will have a set of clearly stated
rules, and all participants will be expected to abide by them. Those who
don't will be removed from the list.
-Chuck Jones-