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orion-list New master's program in Judaic Studies

A new Masters of Arts in Religion program has been established by the
Yale Divinity School in collaboration with the Program in Judaic Studies
in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.  At present the focus of the program
is Judaism of the Second Temple and Rabbinic periods.  For further
information on the program, including requirements and participating
faculty, see <http://www.yale.edu/religiousstudies/judstud.html>.		

Steven D. Fraade
Department of Religious Studies       Office Tel: (203) 432-0828
Yale University                       Office Fax: (203) 432-7844
P.O. Box 208287 / 320 Temple Street   Internet: steven.fraade@yale.edu
New Haven, CT 06520-8287 U.S.A.                

For private reply, e-mail to Steven Fraade <steven.fraade@yale.edu>
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