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Re: orion-list Essenes at Qumran: A Reality Check
With out entering into the merits of the current debate, I would simply
point out significantly lower estimates of Qumran's population in J. Patrich,
"Did Extra-Mural Dwelling Quarters Exist at Qumran?" in The Dead Sea Scrolls
Fifty Years after their Discovery: 1947-1997, 720-727. He notes Humbert
estimated 10-15 residents at Qumran and Patrich himself, based on estimates
of available living quarters, puts an upper limit of a few dozen. The
estimates of 150-200 or higher by others would require the majority to live
outside Qumran itself in caves, tents and huts. He very persuasively argues
that there are no remains of tent dwellings (which archaeologists can easily
identify) and the limestone caves do not resemble other caves adapted to
human living as e.g. in hermitages in the Judean wilderness. The marl caves
were probably inhabited, which adds 3-6 to the population. So there were
perhaps 10-40 people at Qumran. Whether they were Essenes I leave to others
to argue.
Russell Gmirkin
For private reply, e-mail to RGmyrken@aol.com
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