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orion-list Colloquium: "In Heaven as it is on Earth"
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Please find below an announcement of an upcoming Colloquium at Princeton
University, organized by myself, Ra'anan Abusch, and Peter Schäfer. Please
feel free to distribute it to anyone who might be interested. I apologize in
advance for cross-posting.
Best wishes,
Annette Yoshiko Reed
Announcement of Colloquium:
"In Heaven as it is on Earth:"
Imagined Realms and Earthly Realities in Late Antique Religions
January 14-15, 2001, Princeton University
Despite the diversity of late antique religions, the post-classical period
appears to be marked by an intensification of interest in the specific
features of the heavenly realms. Topics of speculation include the
topography of heaven, the architecture and contents of celestial structures,
the identity and function of myriad angelic hosts, the character of heavenly
liturgies and rituals, and the nature of heavenly objects (e.g., tablets,
scrolls, books). Examples are as plentiful as our sources are diverse.
In organizing a colloquium on this topic, our aim is to encourage research
and discussion on this complex of themes, as it occurs within the full range
of late antique religious traditions -- including post-biblical and rabbinic
Judaism, formative Christianity, the variety of so-called "gnostic"
traditions, diverse magical traditions, and Greco-Roman philosophy and
The colloquium represents the culmination of a workshop on this
topic in the Religions of Late Antiquity sub-field of the Princeton
University Religion Department, which has met on a bi-weekly basis
throughout the fall semester 2000 to discuss a variety of papers related to
this topic. We hope to foster a similarly informal yet productive atmosphere
for dialogue at the colloquium, and we invite interested scholars in the
fields of Religious Studies, Jewish Studies, History, and Classics to
Tentative List of Colloquium Participants:
Ra'anan Abusch (Princeton University)
Gary Anderson (Harvard University)
Jane Baun (Institute for Advanced Study)
Adam Becker (Princeton University)
Kirsti Copeland (Princeton University)
Radcliffe Edmonds (Bryn Mawr College)
Susanna Elm (visiting, Princeton University)
Christopher Faraone (University of Chicago)
Fritz Graf (Princeton University)
Karen King (Harvard University)
Sarah Iles Johnston (Ohio State University)
Martha Himmelfarb (Princeton University)
Dayna Kalleres (Brown University)
Elaine Pagels (Princeton University)
Yannis Papadoyannakis (Princeton University)
Annette Yoshiko Reed (Princeton University)
Jeffrey L. Rubenstein (New York University)
Peter Schäfer (Princeton University)
More information about the Colloquium and associated Workshop can be found
on the website of the Princeton University Religion Department, at the
following URL:
If you are interested in the possibility of attending the colloquium or have
any further questions about it, please contact either Ra'anan Abusch
(rsabusch@princeton.edu) or Annette Yoshiko Reed (areed@princeton.edu).
For private reply, e-mail to "Annette Yoshiko Reed" <areed@Princeton.EDU>
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