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orion-list bookshop New York
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> Dear list members
> I shall be in NY City next week
> Could anyone tell me where I'll find a bookshop specialised in our topics
> (qumran, ancient judaism etc) ?
> Thanks to all
The best used book store specializing in Judaica is Ideal Book Store, 112th
St. just east of Broadway, Manhattan (212-6621909.
West Side Judaica, down the street from Ideal on Broadway between 89th and
88th, carries a large inventory of Judaica, mostly popular but some
There are several good Judaica book Shops in Brooklyn, but I'm not familiar
with them
A good used book store with a large general inventory, including sections
on religion and Judaica is Ideal Book Store, 12th St. and Broadway.
Harold P. Scanlin
United Bible Societies
1865 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
For private reply, e-mail to "Harold P. Scanlin" <scanlin@compuserve.com>
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