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orion-list Rohrhirsch database PS
Here's an explanatory note I just received from Dr. Rohrhirsch, concerning
the database:
"At the moment there are only the finds inside the databes which was
published in NTOA SA and translated in German by me (NTOA SA 1A) (=all
the finds with inventory numbers). The finds of the caves are not included
at the moment. But a lot of additional informations wad made at example:
Referencet to the PAM, or to older publications written by de Vaux and the
important finds of Broshi and Eshel in 1999 etc."
Avital Pinnick, Ph.D. tel: 972-2-588-1230
List Moderator/Chief of Publications fax: 972-2-588-3584
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew University
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