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orion-list Query re. "A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls..."
In the copy of this book which is in this library, Figure 8, the
transliteration of MMT, seems to have been tipped into the volume (i.e. the
page is glued onto a stub). We acquired the volume when the book first
appeared (it was catalogued here on December 4, 1991). I have access to
another copy, which was purchased when the volumes were heavily discounted
some years later. That copy does not include figure 8, which has been cut
out, but it does include one photocopied page explaining the removal of
figure 8 and another photocopied page of figure 9 (from the reverse of the
removed page). A third copy of the work, which I saw recently in a used
book store in Chicago, has none of the front matter at all, but begins with
the Index. Are there other versions of the thing in circulation?
-Chuck Jones-
Charles E. Jones
Research Associate - Bibliographer
The Oriental Institute - Chicago
1155 E. 58th St. Chicago IL 60637-1569
Voice (773) 702-9537 Fax (773) 702-9853
For private reply, e-mail to "Charles E. Jones" <cejo@midway.uchicago.edu>
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